November 28, 2023 -- Toronto -- Today, Ecopia AI (Ecopia) announced the completion and delivery of a high-precision digital map of the City of Toronto that will be used to help Toronto become a smart city. The map was made possible with support from the Government of Ontario and represents the future of transportation mapping, while underscoring the importance of high-quality geospatial data.
With nearly $1 million in funding from the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN), Ecopia has been able to use cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology to develop a centralized hub of highly detailed transportation maps that will inform autonomous vehicle (AV) development.
A leader in the responsible use of AI-based mapping, Ecopia has refined its technology over the past decade to extract real-world features efficiently and accurately from geospatial imagery at scale. The resulting high-precision map layers deliver critical information about land cover and transportation features that will help support safe and effective AV transportation and navigation.
Ecopia extracted high-resolution street views and aerial imagery, including road networks with lane delineation, pedestrian features, and 3D buildings. Combined with comprehensive land cover data, these features form a digital representation of reality to guide AVs in Canada’s largest city and economic hub.

The data created by Ecopia is available for licensing via Ecopia’s in-house mapping platform or via an application programming interface (API). Additional potential applications for this high-precision data include public safety, stormwater management, and sustainable infrastructure planning.
Ecopia currently works with institutions and organizations around the world on similar initiatives, including the Canadian Federal Government, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, and the World Bank. Through the responsible use of AI, data generated is expected to advance Ecopia’s projects and the geospatial industry at large.
“This project is particularly exciting for Ecopia to work on as we are a proud Toronto-based company. Our technology was developed right here in Ontario, so it’s great to see how AI-based mapping can benefit the Toronto community. We’re on a mission to build a digital twin of the entire world, and are thrilled to provide the City of Toronto with the foundational data needed to not only achieve that goal, but also enhance innovation in AVs.” – Jon Lipinski, President & Co-Founder of Ecopia AI
“Autonomous systems and responsible AI-based technologies are helping to drive innovation and growth in many sectors across the province including the auto sector. Our government is proud to support companies like Ecopia AI in their efforts to develop and bring to market exciting, made-in-Ontario solutions. Congratulations, Ecopia AI, on completing this milestone project.” – Vic Fedeli, Ontario’s Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
"I am delighted that this high-precision digital map of Toronto has been completed, showing us the future of transportation mapping and supporting the advancement of autonomous vehicles. This is a wonderful example of Toronto's Green Market Acceleration Program (GMAP), which enables collaboration between the City of Toronto, the provincial government, and the private sector for the benefit and betterment of our city." – Councillor Shelley Carroll (Don Valley North), Chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee
“The future of cities will be shaped by how people and goods move safer, cleaner and more efficiently using technology. Ontario is leading this future by investing in homegrown companies to develop made-in-Ontario technologies and export those technologies globally. This project is a perfect example of a made-in-Ontario technology developed in Ontario that is ready for the global market.” – Raed Kadri, Head of OVIN
For more information on Ecopia, click here. To view our HD map samples, click here.
About Ecopia AI
Ecopia is on a mission to create a digital twin of the Earth. We leverage artificial intelligence to convert high-resolution imagery into high-definition (HD) vector maps. These maps form a digital representation of reality and are embedded into decision-making applications, offering unique insight at scale. Ecopia’s HD vector maps are leveraged for hundreds of commercial and government applications across over 100 countries around the world.
About the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN)
The Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) is a provincial initiative led by the Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI), designed to reinforce Ontario’s position as a North American leader in advanced automotive technology and smart mobility solutions including connected vehicles, autonomous vehicles and electric and low-carbon vehicle technologies. Through resources such as research and development support, talent and skills development, technology acceleration, business and technical supports, and demonstration grounds, OVIN provides a competitive advantage to Ontario-made automotive and mobility technology companies. For more information:
About the City of Toronto
Toronto is home to more than three million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents, and businesses. For more information visit the City’s website or follow us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
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